COVID-19 COOKIES… SECOND (and hopefully last!) EPISODE

The world was under the illusion that after the first pandemic wave from Covid-19 we would have come out of it, although certainly, and for many reasons, no longer as before. Unfortunately this was not the case and we have been all involved in another wave that has forced us in a sense to consolidate those “new habits” acquired with the first wave such as masks, social distancing, lock down, smart working .. .

Here, then, is how food consumption at home continues to increase, definitely going against the trend with the increase in consumption outside home that had historically occurred in recent years due to the increase in commitments outside home of the whole family. This stagnation of out-of-home consumption is occurring in all areas of the world, from North America to Europe and Asia-Pacific.

In this new reality where the word “uncertainty” reigns supreme, the challenges related to safeguarding and protecting health and the economy are ever greater for each of us.

And in these circumstances the trends that are most recorded are waste reduction, recycling and online shopping.

How does our beloved world of biscuits fit into all of this?

Once again we are witnessing a consolidation in the consumption of biscuits, as had already been seen in recent months. Many biscuit factories focus their production by optimizing their current production processes and consolidating the production of their more classic products. In fact, it has been seen that in times of pandemics, people are looking for elements giving them certainty and tranquility. And one of these elements can be breakfast, but not made with any products but with food that refers to tradition, to the happiest memories of one’s childhood. It goes without saying that (classic) biscuits therefore constitute a rediscovery, a tool that for a moment removes the climate of uncertainty to make us dive into more carefree moments. Here is how, various biscuit factories, riding the wave and responding to the needs of consumers, offer the same products of the past, possibly made healthier (without palm oil, without added sugars …) to encourage more consumption, persuading the consumer that the organic or health product can definitely contribute to a stronger immune system.

We remind you that for the realization of this range of particular products, special rollers are required in terms of materials (to have good release from the mould even with increasingly critical doughs and to resist the abrasion of recipes that are increasingly rich in cereals, dried fruit, inclusions) , as well as in terms of designs.

Errebi Technology is always at the side of its customers to assist them in the best possible way, whatever the shape, the design or recipe to be made.