If we enter a supermarket in the biscuit department we are overwhelmed by shelves full of packages of the most varied shapes: no longer a simple round or square or rectangular biscuit, no longer a simple piece of cooked dough, but increasingly risky profiles and various designs fill bags and packages of sweet products.

We as Errebi Technology notice two main currents towards which the new trends go.

On the one hand, the “restyling”: the trend towards the future but with an eye to the past, the desire to propose “classic” shapes that have made the history of a biscuit factory and which still constitute the element of immediate recognition of a product, are proposed with revisited dimensions. The idea is that of renewal, but at the base there is often a desire to reduce costs, an objective that can be achieved by reducing sizes (widths, lengths, thickness) while maintaining the same basic quality of the product. In this case, from a technical point of view, the role of Errebi Technology is to study the best proportion and ratio between size / thickness to achieve the required weight, without compromising the process and the stability / integrity of the product.

On the other hand, the search for innovative products, increasingly enriched with new inclusions or ingredients. In these cases, the shape often recalls the content: so here is the proposal of biscuits with shapes of seeds, tea leaves, fruits, vegetables, etc … From a psychological point of view, we always try to respect the “appetizing appeal”, in other words, always to respect the associations that the consumer makes between sensory experience and a specific product to avoid sensory dystonias. Therefore, the association of colors is also important; and if from ingredients point of view for a biscuit this may be limiting, packaging plays an important role in this. An example above all can be that of beetroot which contains more vitamin C than oranges and is rich in antioxidants. Its importance from a nutritional point of view makes it increasingly protagonist. We at Errebi Technology try to adjust profiles and details as much as possible so that the final biscuit reflects as faithfully as possible the main ingredient it wants to represent. The type of material chosen also becomes important to ensure long life to the mould and good release performance. In other words, pantographing details, tolerances, release angle are fundamental elements for our technical team.