When they ask me where I work, to the answer “at a company that makes cookie moulds”, most imagine manual moulds used when we improvise home pastry chefs. In fact, in the collective imagination, and for those who are not in thus field, the manufacture of biscuits is strictly linked to manual skills: the combination of a few ingredients that are baked in the oven after being shaped with the most varied designs. In reality, the “industrial” production of biscuits uses means of very different sizes with complex production processes that are the basis of the confectionery industry. Errebi Technology ranges from small moulds for small lines up to large lines with important diameters and widths, investments which are increasingly widespread in order to be able to cover the costs associated with the entire process with large-scale production and large volumes. Without forgetting how large diameters (for example 400mm) favor production performance. The long experience of Errebi Technology has led to an increasingly specific development of these rollers. In fact, the type of construction for a medium-sized roller is not the same as that of large dimensions, since the requirements (not least the weight that can reach up to 700-750 kg!) must in no way compromise its functionality and duration over time.