By listing the various characteristics of the biscuit as an “easy-to-store” and “easy-to-carry” food, we must also add “easy-to use”, which is its characteristic of being a convenient and versatile ready-to-use food. If we think about it, for generations the biscuit has also been the first solid food given to children. It is therefore essential, especially for children’s market, to think about taste, but also about nutritional values ​​and, in the case of smaller consumers, also about a “prehensile” shape of the biscuit. The children’s market represents a very volatile and constantly evolving market. Themes related to films, cartoons, classic characters are exploited by marketing to create shapes and designs recalling the various stories. But the playful is also often associated with the didactic: biscuits with ABC or 123 (letters and numbers) or even, assorted animals, so that children learn while having fun and feeding. If, on the one hand, children constitute a very strong market potential (just think of how often parents give in to the requests of their children attracted by new products), on the other hand, younger users are also extremely fickle and make their share of extremely dynamic and constantly evolving and changing market. We as Errebi Technology also have the objective of limiting waste within our mission: in our field all this translates into a skilful recovery of the mould which, once its useful life cycle is over, why not anymore profitable in terms of income with that particular shape, we can recover it for the production of a new biscuit, limiting waste and costs. The world of children, so naif in its simplicity, finds in the world of biscuits a fertile ground for complex studies and elaborate research where the keywords are ingredients, shapes, packaging (designs, colors, single portions), dynamism. For Errebi Technology all this translates once again into high technology of materials, design and construction with the possibility of regeneration of our moulds.