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VIS Inclusive più forti insieme

Quest’anno  ci impegniamo  ad essere presenti a fianco della squadra di Basket Vis  2008 Ferrara nei vari settori giovanili.   Con un’ attenzione particolare partecipiamo al progetto “ VIS Inclusive più forti insieme”  con l’obbiettivo di essere a fianco  di coloro che con impegno continuo e particolare dedizione cercano di ridurre la percezione di emarginazione e […]

Errebi Technology: a family-run company’s story

Once upon a time…. All fairytales and nice stories start in this way. All traditional novels show that determination, efforts, and simple but deep values get the best results. Today it is not question of Cindarella or Snow-White; today we’d like to tell you the story of Errebi Technology. Last year was an important anniversary […]

Biscuits in the time of COVID-19

During this period of COVID-19, among the various habits we have had to change or to give up to, there is the breakfast ritual at the bar Brioche and cappuccino represent the most classic breakfast in Italy, mainly in the big cities but now more and more also in the small towns. Now with the […]