The fashion in the field of biscuits: more and more recipes have to be “without” something (sugar-free, gluten-free, fat-free …) with an increasingly short and simplified list of ingredients. At the same time, more healthy elements are added to these recipes (cereals, fibers, dried fruit, inclusions). In other words, the elements that have always helped the process (release, mold life) are reduced or even removed from the formulations and others whose criticalities in the process are very important are added. The will is to enjoy healthy food at any time of the day (flexible meals) with attention to cost and waste (therefore also ecological packaging, perhaps with single portions is important) and products such as wholemeal biscuits and diet bars, rich in fibers are leaders for nowadays consumers. Oh yes, because since we can’t help eating  biscuits, we have created “healthy” versions of them: a good compromise for eating healthy without losing taste. But what is the compromise for the mould, the tool for making these products? Continuous studies are carried out by Errebi Technology in order to offer moulds whose materials and design (release angle, lay out configurations) can be an excellent compromise between good performance and durability. Not an easy challenge, but as always Errebi Technology is not unprepared and is ready to offer the best solutions based on different needs.